Working With The Right Attorney

3 Benefits Of Creating Your Child Custody Agreement Outside The Courtroom

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For decades, horror stories have gone around about legal battles over child custody in the courtroom. It doesn’t matter if you are wealthy or not – child custody battles can be a major source of frustration for anyone. There are now a lot of former couples who skip the court battle and come up with their own child custody agreement. Here are three benefits of doing just that. 1. The outcome is decided by both of you instead of a judge. Read More»

Who Is Responsible For Your Injuries -- The Employee Who Actually Injured You Or The Employer?

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If a company employee makes a mistake that ends up harming somebody else, who is ultimately responsible – the employee or the company? Most of the time, the law hold each individual accountable for his or her own actions. An exception exists, however, that often makes employers responsible for the negligent actions of their employees under the legal theory of respondeat superior. What is this and why is it important if you’ve been injured by somebody else’s actions while they were on company time? Read More»

3 Reasons You Need A Business Attorney For Your Company

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If you own or manage your own company, it’s essential that you consider your legal needs. Many business owners put off getting legal aid because they want to sped as little money as possible, especially when they’re first getting started. It’s important to protect yourself. Hiring a business attorney is recommended. Take a look at the following information to better understand the reasons as to why you need to hire a business attorney. Read More»

Injured In An Accident? Here's How The Insurance Process Works

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If you have recently been in an automobile accident and have incurred an injury, it is important that you file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Their job is to pursue any monetary compensation you deserve as a result of the accident. Before the insurance company can proceed with the claim, they need to get as much information from you as they can. They will most likely attempt to settle the case with the other party so you can be compensated for your losses. Read More»

How Elder Law Protects Seniors

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As you age, it’s important that you have everything in order so that you can protect your assets and be sure that your family members are financially protected. It’s also important that you have control over your own medical care even if you may not be of the mind to tell others what your wishes are. Elder law is an aspect of law designed to protect seniors as well as their caregivers so that these things can be handled through the proper legal channels. Read More»