Working With The Right Attorney

Have Evidence Of Your Spouse Cheating? What To Do Before You Tell Them You Want A Divorce

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If you know that your spouse is cheating on you and you want to get a divorce, you want to meet with a lawyer before you take action. You may want to get evidence before you spring the divorce paperwork on your spouse, and you may need to know what you are at a risk of losing. Here are a few things that you should already have with you when you go to meet with your attorney to talk about the divorce, and you need to make sure the attorney isn’t someone who your spouse is close with or also uses. Read More»

Lead In Your Child's School: Is It A Concern And Do You Need An Environmental Law Attorney?

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Lead contamination is worrisome for any parent. Although exposure to lead in the environment has been reduced thanks to the introduction of unleaded gasoline and removal of lead from paint, old lead pipes are still a big concern. As many U.S. schools age, the pipes become a potential danger. Why should parents be worried about lead exposure? Younger children are at the most risk of health issues from lead exposure. But even children of elementary school age and older can be impacted by lead poisoning, as it causes behavioral issues, learning delays and problems with attention span. Read More»

Learning More About How To Handle A Holographic Will

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When someone dies and the only will that person left behind is one that is handwritten without witnesses, you may wonder whether or not it is a legal binding document. A handwritten will without witnesses is called a holographic will and is legal in several states. Find out more about the steps you will need to take about a deceased loved one’s estate when that person only left behind a holographic will. Read More»

3 Financial Tips to Keep in Mind for Your Upcoming Divorce

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It’s no secret that divorce can be expensive. In most circumstances, you’ll want to hire the services of a divorce attorney, and you can expect that you’ll likely have to share some of your assets with your soon-to-be-former spouse. If there are children involved, things can become even more complicated due to child support payments. If you want to get through your divorce with your financial future intact, keep these things in mind. Read More»

What To Do When You Have Been Charged With Drug Possession

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When you are stopped while walking around town or driving and an officer of the law charges you or accuses you of drug possession, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to handle the situation and avoid serious legal consequences. Before you begin to panic, get to know some of the steps that you can take to protect yourself. If They Haven’t Searched Your Home Or Vehicle Already, Do Not Consent Without A Warrant Read More»